so many things happened in the last few months since my last post.
the most significant incident was my miscarriage in June. This was suppose to be my second pregnancy. Atas sebab tu I didnt bother to update anything. Was a sad moment for me. But i moved on...
anyways, am not gonna brag more on the miscarriage news, this post is solely dedicated for my braces updates.
i have drafted this post but too lazy to compiles pictures. Dah berapa kali appointments I went tah dah lost count. Sampai tak ingat which picture for which month. Tapi i try my best to remember and tengok date of pictures taken.
Below are my compilations of the pictures so u can see the clear movement of my teeth.
the most significant incident was my miscarriage in June. This was suppose to be my second pregnancy. Atas sebab tu I didnt bother to update anything. Was a sad moment for me. But i moved on...
anyways, am not gonna brag more on the miscarriage news, this post is solely dedicated for my braces updates.
i have drafted this post but too lazy to compiles pictures. Dah berapa kali appointments I went tah dah lost count. Sampai tak ingat which picture for which month. Tapi i try my best to remember and tengok date of pictures taken.
Below are my compilations of the pictures so u can see the clear movement of my teeth.
May 2014.
Mase ni dentist dah suruh pakai band yang cenggini. Bukan lagi separated punye. Dalam gambar ni boleh nampak kedudukan gigi atas dan bawah sebaris. Sepatutnya gigi atas perlu kedepan dari gigi bawah. See picture below, you get the idea.
Jun 2014.
Hanya ada dua gambar ni. Ni baru lepas appointment. Bulan Jun ni yang terjadinye miscarriage sampai tak sempat/tak ingat nak ambil gambar progres. Ini bulan pertama kena pakai elastic band kat kiri kanan tu. Tujuan die untuk bagi rahang atas ke hadapan supaya kedudukan gigi yang sepatutnya
Julai 2014.
Didnt have proper pic right after appointment. Mase tu the color was still pretty pink. Lama2 dah jadi oren hehe. Janganlah pilih warna2 pastel sebab sure punye kale die berubah. tak comel! Ini dah nampak sikit gigi atas bergerak sikit. Masih lagi ade gap kat gigi bawah tu.( mase nangkap gambar ni elastic band tak pakai. Jangan tiru tau. Elastic band tu kene pakai 24 jam). Gap kat gigi bawah tu dah kurang sikit tapi geraknye sangat slow.
Ogos 2014.
Ini gambar terbaru last Saturday. Nampak gigi putis pulak hehe.. Gigi atas dah kedepan banyak. Nampak almost perfect doctor kata. Cewah!!hehe..Tapi yang tak bestnye satu bracket dah tertanggal tapi tak tercabut terus sebab dah attach sekali dengan getah band tu. Doctor kate tak sure nak buat macam mana sebab kalao nak pasang bracket baru kena pasang wayar nipis semula... Gap gigi bawah dah kurang. tapi kene tunggu la few weeks untuk nampak betul2.
Doctor cakap my teeth movement sangat cepat macam budak sekolah2. Biasanya adult lambat sikit. I told him, i am young at heart hehehe... Serious rase muke sedikit berubah kalau pun tak banyak. Masa mula tukar band bersambung ni, tiap kali appointment memang akan rasa sakit dalam seminggu sebab memang die ketat giler...
Sepanjang pakai band yang baru ni, pergerakan gigi berubah2. Gigi ni elok, nanti gigi lain gap die jadi besar plak. Kenalah bersabar.
Okay, rasanya nampak jelas giler dah ni. Anything leave your comment below :)
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