New post alert! Sorry. Too busy juggling work and home plus 2 kids. yes i have another one last July ( he is almost one year masya allah)
So post ni dedicated mainly on my braces progress story.
Last January was the month that i finally braces free (read: hello retainers!)
it aint easy! feeling bercampur2 sedih tapi happy. and wearing retainers is ever harder sebab bila dah boleh bukak pasang selalu lah jadi kejadian terlupa.
Actually kejadian tu kerap sangat jadi. and because of that, i have noticed a tiny movement on my lower teeth. Tiny, but can definitely tell the difference. My dentist ada pesan macam2 tapi banyaknye dah lupa sebab he told me one time masa mula2 pakai braces which was 3 (or 4?) years ago and again before he removed my braces ( the last color was blue. will go dig my phone photo album if i still keep it)
it aint easy! feeling bercampur2 sedih tapi happy. and wearing retainers is ever harder sebab bila dah boleh bukak pasang selalu lah jadi kejadian terlupa.
Actually kejadian tu kerap sangat jadi. and because of that, i have noticed a tiny movement on my lower teeth. Tiny, but can definitely tell the difference. My dentist ada pesan macam2 tapi banyaknye dah lupa sebab he told me one time masa mula2 pakai braces which was 3 (or 4?) years ago and again before he removed my braces ( the last color was blue. will go dig my phone photo album if i still keep it)
But basically lepas bukak braces, retainers ni kena pakai 24 jam except masa makan. So i was under the impression that retainers ni macam braces like you wont feel a thing. Boy I was wrong!! Retainers yang i chose dah la the old classic yang ade mold tu. After u put it on, your speech is totally tukar, like really tukar with a weird accent hehe. Paling obvious your S sound will definitely off. Kalau mengaji sure salah bunyi ar confirm!
Then your saliva pun macam berkumpul dekat mold tu. Actually my dentist tanya if i want the more canggih retainers yang macam acuan transparent tu ( i have no idea apa actual nama dia), but the other dentist who was there suggested me to choose the classic one sebab yqng transparent tu apparently patient selalu terhilangkan. So you know, i pun ikut la ape depa suggest. They know better right? But now i feel like i should choose that one instead. at least my mouth wont feel full all the time and I can talk normally.
So now, i only practise pakai retainers malam je and weekend. tapi daytime dekat office tak pakai sebab senang nak cakap dengan people. But do not follow this ye. Ikut cakap dentist. Pakai lah all the time for at least 2 years ( i think)
Til then, ta!!
us in Sharm El Sheikh during our balik kampung trip ( early Feb 2016)
my second boy
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