Feb 26, 2013

Zidan's 1st Birthday Party

so yea rasa nak demam ler lepas setel party zidan
tapi mama puas hati :)
ramai kawan2 mama and anak2 depa mai
sonot betul
tapi zidan ni alahai
titun pulak. penat betul dia

like i have told you before about how i saw this gorgeous decorate
with the rainbow theme from this blog
so i copy sikit mane yang mampu
this is how they did it

and this how i did with my own twist ( i love my rainbow!!)

yang paper cut outs to beli dekat DIY shop je. murah RM3 tak silap. panjang 3 mtr

tapi masa nak lekat memang sedikit hazab. so be patient okay.
cara kalau nak ikut blog tu pun boleh.
how i did was beli tissue paper in 7 rainbow colors.
(tapi tak jumpe indigo so replace dengan pink)
pastu potong panjang. lipat2 sampai jadi ala2 spring
patu tampal satu2.
i starter with the shortest rail, warna purple
dari situ baru boleh agak bentuk and kedudukan rainbow nanti

tetamu yang datang ramai jugak
penuh rumah tok umi.
tok umi by the way is the most dedicated party host, ever!
pandai die melayan kawan die, at the same time melayan kawan2 mama
here are some the people yang sudi datang

tok ayah & tok umi yang melayan kawan2 depa

tu semua kawan mama + kawan2 kakak siti ( decor sun tu uncle ajim buat hihi dah mcm tadika pulak)

ada mihun sup, ada satay..pilih2

 fruit platter & fruit satay.
sedih part is lupe nak snap zidan punye fruit cake! cis! 
kek rainbow pun lupe snap! damn!!

ni kawan2 mama. tu sophie. die dah boleh jalan!

mama punye kawan lama. ( long story)

padat tak?

 masa ni sue dah balik. kami sambung lagi hoho
(someone asked if i was preggy again. sob sob..yes yes i looked big in this baju)

malam sabtu sebelum tu, my good friend, sue jemput datang majlis tunang adik die, farah
so me and my besties tak lepas peluang datang sebab ade kambing bakar! ha ha
oh yang funnynye we all ended up pakai hitam. soo kebetulan!

kami memang tak sah kalau tak bergambo

see? see? hitam semua

sue, wanie, iza,maria and me

baba made a scene. mama played along ler

oh, lupe ar nak cite semalam i was on leave
nak setelkan passport zidan pulak
litle did i know rupenye kalau kanak2 bawah 3 tahun, ibu mengandung dan warga tua melebihi 60 tahun
boleh dapat cepat passport.
sebab dorang memang beri keistimewaan la kat golongan ni. 
tapi i tau lambat la. sebab lepas settle isi borang bayar, sempat pulak pegi makan.
balik dari makan tunggu lagi dalma 45minit camtu
tapi pelik sebab nombor tak naik2, last tanye orang kat situ kot2 nombor dah terlepas
die suruh queue and check
cis! rupenye memang dah siap.
buang masa la tunggu lama giler

oh zidan punye gambar passport sangat la cute dan adorable!!!
pandai pulak die duk diam :)

(eyy, sumpah cute anak mama ni)

so now zidan dah ada kunci (hoho) ler nak pegi jenjalan
motip utama nak balik kampung baba laaaa weehuuuuu

Feb 21, 2013

21022013!! my baby turns One

Zidan is One today!!

Last year today, mama admitted to hospital sebab zidan dah terlebih besar lah
mama makan banyak sangat
doc tak mo kasi can mama try normal
untuk memastikan zidan sihat membesar dengan baik
mama amik keputusan setuju untuk operation dijalankan

tanggal 8.00am mama dijadualkan masuk OR
tapi tetibe ade emergency csec so mama tunggu dengan sabar
tapi kejap je pun, mama masuk lebih kurang pukul 830 gitu

pendek cite, zidan keluar pukul 9.00am
mama sempat kire jari kaki ngan cium dahi zidan je
sebab nurse nak bawak masuk NICU for further observation

mama drowsy giler rase nak titun and mase tu macam tak percaya dah bersalin!!
setahun dah berlalu sayang,

hari ini zidan genap setahun
zidan jadi budak yang baik, soleh, dengar kata mama ngan baba ye sayang
hari ahad ni kite buat party okeh?

love you sayang!!

Feb 13, 2013

Immunisation Curiosity

Suddenly i am sooo concern about this MMR vaccination
sebab my BFF out of the blue mengelaborate pasal the possible 'danger' of MMR
(measles, mumps & rubella) yang budak2 akan kena bile sampai 12 bulan.
so her daughter and my son are scheduled for this jab dalam bulan depan.
and she, being the protective mother started googling about the vaccination - the good and the bad
rupenye memang macam2 spekulasi pasal MMR ni.

i never know about these things (well, dulu memang ade dengar2 but i couldnt care less lah mase tu belum kahwen pun lagi)

so now, dah terjebak sikit
i started reading about it
and boy! giler banyak info yang masuk all at one time
some say it is fine ( that every babies should and recommended to get semua vaccination ikut jadual)
and some swear they never get vaccination for their kids and they turn out well. some claim their un-vaccination kids lagi healthy.

now, it is actually all up to your choice as a parent(s).
i was having doubts la of course after reading those creepy ingredients dalam MMR
tapi when i think about it, dari dulu pun semua orang amik jab ni, and alhamdulillah, okay je
kalau idak tak kan lah government pun recommend semua babies not to miss their vacs kan

anyway, to tell you the truth, dulu2 masa i kecik pun, banyak kali jugak lah miss jabs
sebab tok umi jidan busy kerja
so selalu miss
but i dont know which i missed
yang pasti memang ade. if i am not mistaken, BCG mase baby tu pun tak dapat kot
sebab dulu lahir kat private clinic. lepas2 tu clinic tu tutup pulak

and my dad was like against these things
katenye kerja yahudi.. haha
tak tau lah

but i turned out sihat all the way Alhamdulillah
so, adakah diri ini life proof that u dont really need vaccinations?
tak kot
jangan tiru adegan ni pulak

to all mothers (new mothers) out there
below are some links that i found useful and actually made me decide not to miss MMR for Zidan

it safe to immunise my child?
childhood deseases and their vaccines
common worries about immunisation

tapi kalau ada yang berpendapat (dan dah betul2 buat research and know the consequences  of not taking vacs) lain, feel free to share your experience.
after all, we have the right to choose whats the best for our kids
samalah macam kes to cloth diaper or not cloth diaper (i am part time cloth diaper user)
or to put salt/sugar in our baby's food or not (i dont give salt/sugar to Zidan)
to babywear or go for the good old stroller (i babywear zidan. tapi lately his baba malas nk carry him)

til then, tata!

Feb 4, 2013

wowiiee Zidan is going to be O.N.E!

Zidan is turning 1 this 21st of February
wa wa wa
time sure flies soooooooooooo fast!
tak sempat mama tarik napeh dah setahun jidan sayang mama ni
baru je kot rasenya pegang jidan for the first time
giler nervous time tuh!
wa wa wa lagi
masa tu jidan super tembam kot (4.31kg what do you expect?)
now 11 months later jidan just weigh about 8.00kg je
ok ar as long as jidan happy and healthy!

aaaannddd mama super excited ni nak organise a little sweet birthday party
for him
habis godek here and there nak cari the perfect theme
nak theme jugak tu
and finally i am happy to choose
rainbowoo woo theme so that zidan pun akan sentiasa cheerful dan colorful macam rainbow jugak!
mama has come up with a plan tapi mama needs help from sape2 yang nak tolong mama :)

so sape nak tolong?? angkat tangan ( untuk kerja2 dapur/decoration)
dan angkat kaki (untuk kerja2 drive/pegi pasar/beli2 barang)
woo hoooo mama excited!

the date is gona be 24th February Ins Sha Allah

* Credit to Creative Juice some ideas and photos i extracted from her blog. Love love love the rainbow theme she arranged it so well!