Oct 22, 2013

Fake vs Original Ray-Ban Aviator

so, i have a question.

should one buy an original or fake ray ban sunny?
there are tons of fake or so called inspired ray ban yang dijual merata.
gred 3A ade gred 5A pun ada..

so, i am thinking of getting one (or two) pair(s) of Ray ban aviator...but then, the big question is
is fake okay or just go with the safer option iaitu authentic and original?
semalam sebuk la buat survey, bace2..ade orang claim, kedai2 pun jual fake at original price!!
like seriously!! nak buat duit...jahat betul orang2 meniaga ni

anyway, am not so sure bout buying fake at first, pikirkan nak pakai lama and untuk jaga mata.
but then terpikir pulak, if the fake can be as good as the original, then why spend more.



help me decide....

Oct 21, 2013

third braces update - Oktober 2013

so the color braces color selctor tu memang helpful sangat2
mase duk tunggu turn kt klinik i took some time to play with the color combos
sambil2 whatsapp kat member mintak tolong pilihkan color combo yang comel

ini fuchsia biru.. but i doubt clinic tu ade kaler fuchsia...tu yang sub dengan maroon

almost nak pilih color combo ni bajet halloween hehehe

so i ended up with this

blue / maroon  tehehehehe

not bad eh? ini memang pilihan last minute, mase try2 color selector tu tetibe nurse panggil masuk..
so then and there terus jawab blur/maroon bile doctor tanye

so as you see in the picture, i am still having the spring thing. belum boleh letak bracket di situ sebab gap belum cukup lebar. am not complaining, tapi barisan gigi bawah dah gerak dengan cantik. hampir sebaris.
so i was soo looking forward to have the same effect on my upper teeth.
anyways, patience pays...so we will see...
in the mean time, i am happy with my color hihih

cant wait for the next appointment....dah pening pikir color haha

to you, yes you!

hari tu theres one comment i got tanye pasal if i am interested to get a kitchen aid mixer
hell yeaaaa i want it so badly!!!
tapi bile emel die, sampai hari ni takde reply pun.

so if you're happen to read this post, yes this post is for you,
i ade emailed you regarding the kitchen aid stand mixer

please contact me ye. reply my email pun bulehhhh
thank you~

Oct 17, 2013

Note 3 anyone?

does anyone else wanna get their hands on the new note 3?

(this post was suppose to be publish like 2 weeks back, i was considering of getting the note 3, and happy to tell you all, i already got one! heeeheeee....)

love it to bits! as of today, masih lagi godek2 here and there, but i'll manage :)

white is always my choice

Braces Color Selector

next appointment is coming this Saturday
dah pening dok pikir kaler ape pulak nak cube kali ni
semalam sibuk2 google terstumble upon website ni
boleh click pada color and letak kt bracket mane yang kite nak..cam best
Braces Color Selector ni boleh lah membantu kite decide warna apa yang kite nak pilih
semalam main test2 color, nampak color teal dan hot pink = a very cute combo
atau maroon semua, pun menarik,
those are my choices...nanti pagi2 sabtu finalise lah

anyway, my lower teeth bergerak dengan jayanya.
gigi atas belum nampak apa2 perubahan.
we'll see how it goes after the check up!


Oct 12, 2013

HOW TO MAKE KIT KAT CAKE ( a simpler version)


Kit Kat & M&M Cake - HOW TO VIDEO

stumbled upon this recipe
didnt know it was this easy!!
give it a try :)